always remember: nothing matters
I'm going for "twenty ten", purely because it sounds a bit more space0age.Geeky to the last. ;-)
When the movie 2010 came out, I called in Twenty Ten, so.Oh P@, just for you, I read this the other day:On July 8, at exactly five minutes and six seconds after 4 a.m., it will be 04:05:06:07:08:09.Ta-da!
Kirk, that is great. I am sure I'll force myself to be awake at that time on that date, just because that's how I am.Oh, and I'm another vote for "Twenty-ten", because it sounds like a countdown.
I have been waiting to have a year start with "twenty" for the last ten years.So, it will be twenty-ten, or I will rage.retri
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I'm going for "twenty ten", purely because it sounds a bit more space0age.
Geeky to the last. ;-)
When the movie 2010 came out, I called in Twenty Ten, so.
Oh P@, just for you, I read this the other day:
On July 8, at exactly five minutes and six seconds after 4 a.m., it will be 04:05:06:07:08:09.
Kirk, that is great. I am sure I'll force myself to be awake at that time on that date, just because that's how I am.
Oh, and I'm another vote for "Twenty-ten", because it sounds like a countdown.
I have been waiting to have a year start with "twenty" for the last ten years.
So, it will be twenty-ten, or I will rage.
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