Sunday, January 11, 2009

Die! Die!! Die!!!

While driving, the following songs were heard by me, in order (I did hit scan after the second and third ones, though. They weren't all on the same station)

1st - The Day the Music Died by Don McLean.
2nd - Only the Good Die Young by Billy Joel
3rd - Let it Die by the Foo Fighters
4th - Thank you by Dido

I was starting to get a little worried at that point, but the next song I stopped upon was Kryptonite by Three Doors Down. Which, actually still ties in with the death theme a little, doesn't it? Hrm.


Simon said...

Ack P@ no!

Amy said...

I also heard Kryptonite today! I was going to ask if you were listening to the station I was, when I realized how very unlikely that would be.

Anonymous said...

I saw your face today.