Sunday, June 24, 2007

So I says to Mabel I says

"What should I blog about?"

And she says, "........Harry Potter?"

So, we just got back from the book store, and the grocery store, and while at Borders, I saw a bunch of books that had my interest, so I'll be making stops at the library shoonish. ['shoon' being a combination of 'shortly' and 'soon', and meaning in an unknown amount of time, but not too far from now.]

While at the book store, though, I realized while in the children's section that everything for kids now is a Harry Potter clone. It's all "Jack-a-mo and the Fee Non Ay: Book 1 of 6" or "The China Chronicles" or "The Adventures of Whoozitdog". Which, you know, cool, but I wonder what the next big thing in children's lit will be, because right now, it seems all... the same.

Also Harry Potter related, but in a [grr!] type of way: Harry and the Potters were performing last night at the Sunrise Library, which is just down the street from our house. WOO!, we thought, That would be so awesome to go and see!, plus, the tickets were free, which is totally within our price range!

But, then, comes the grr! aspect.

The concert was for adults only.


That makes ZERO sense. I mean, hello? They're a band that sing songs based on books written for children!

Harry and the Potters are totally a thing that children should experience and would enjoy. Also the girls have been listening to the H&tPs CDs the past two days, and really liking them. Plus, some of their youtube videos displaying other performances of that band had youngish people in the crowd, so I don't know what is up the butts of the Sunrise Librarians, but the result was that we did not get to see the band. Boo, hiss. Maybe next time.

Oh, and the song "Dumbledore" gets added to the list. It's got good company - "The Day the Music Died", "Cats in the Cradle", "Still Fighting It",... "Vogue"

And lastly, it's nearly July! Which means movie 5, and book 7 are, like, days away now!


Amy said...

Dude! What? That is totally fussed. [/usage I made up right this second]

That doesn't seem usual at all. Why would it be for adults only? Doesn't that ... defeat the point? I realize that I'm not providing any more new info than what you have in your post, but, just ... what?


Incidentally, I have a shirt that says your post title. It's kind of small on me, otherwise I would wear it all the time.

P@ said...

Oh, man.

The librarian I spoke to on the phone, and also the person in charge of the Sunrise Branch website both need to be seriously fired.

See, first, the website said "Adults" on it, and I was all, "The huh?" so I called the library, and asked the person on the phone if children were allowed, and they said, "No." Ugh. We should have just gone down there in person. The lesson here is that the internet is full of lies, and people on the phone are liars.

Amanda said...

I like the trend. Some are utter shite, of course, but there are some really good ones, too. I just finished The Bartimaeous Trilogy, and it was awesome.

Amy said...

P@, I think the lesson is that I hate everyone. And I'm right.

P@ said...

Oh, I didn't mean that the trend was all bad. For instance, if you find a series that you really enjoy, that means you'll have that many extra stories devoted to it. Score!

It's just that everything looks like a Harry Potter ripoff. Where's the originality!?

Simon said...

That is a big bunch of mental and I am sad.