Wednesday, October 26, 2005

15 What

A boq from Bally. Always a pleasure.

What's up?

Meh. I am, although I wish I weren't. It's been a roughish week. And I'm currently in the 'I despise working for the Man' part of my mood cycle.
I'm hoping that answering some boqs will help kick me out of it. (And boost my word count. Go word count!)

What do you say when you answer the phone?
Here at work it's, "Programming, this is Pat."
At home it's "Hello?"

What is your favourite soup?

What shall we do with a drunken sailor?
I think it's too earl-aye in the morning for me to answer that.

What was the best financial transaction you ever made?
When I sold my soul. For 37 thousand dollars.
Oh. Wait. That never happened.
But, man. That would be a sweet deal, wouldn't it?
Let's see. I don't know. It must be too earl-aye in the morning to answer this, too.

What is the name of your favourite takeaway food outlet?
Takeaway food outlet? Heh. Sometimes Bally speaks funny. [/p@ calling the kettle black]
I don't know that I have a favorite, but the one I visit the most would be Taco Bell.

What was the number of the last bus you were on?
But only because the bastards stopped running the 807.

What is intelligence to you?


Seriously? Seeing patterns and thinking ahead, in a nutshell.

What would Jean-Paul Sartre do?
Bitch and moan, I'm guessing.

What if the Beatles had never existed?
As a group, or do you mean that the individual people had never been born? Either way, I'm guessing that music would sound slightly different today. If Otherland were ever to come about, it would be interesting to create a world in which that were the case just to see.
Related Simpsons quote: "America rules! Our Beatles are way better than your Rolling Stones!" - Homer, regarding Britain.

"What if now you're still not sure?"
Then...not much has changed, actually.

What was the last thing that made you jump?
The kittens.
Speaking of kittens, and of jumping. This morning, they were attacking each other, as per usual, and they ran toward each other, then both lept in the air, swatting at each other while in the sky. It was totally like the Matrix, only with kittens.

What the hell is going on?
It's the end of the world as we know it. Sorta. Slowly. Maybe. Eventually.
In short, I have no idea, dude. But I never have. I never have.

What is the largest number of people you have ever seen?
Er. 6 billion? I mean, if you see a picture of the earth from space, then technically that's a correct answer.

what's last... ?

What now?
Now I go do some work. Later, I will do more boqs and blogging. Later still, I go home.

1 comment:

Simon said...

Thank you, sir.