Thursday, October 16, 2008


You'd think I'd learn. Don't blog (or attempt to) this late at night. Or, if you do, make sure you've got topics lined up beforehand. Otherwise, you wind up doing what you're seeing now - me simply filling space with nothing to say.

So...I'll just turn it over to anyone that wants to comment. Free for all! Just say hey, or tell me a joke, or drop a song lyric that's going through your head, or the funniest thing you've seen on television this week [for me it's from Pushing Daisies: "We are Italian." "Part time."], or what you last ate, or what you plan on eating, or what books you are reading, or a funny (or annoying) personalized license plate, or ask a question that has been plaguing you, or give a prediction on the upcoming election, or relay some good advice you've received in your life, or recommend a vampire movie, or tell me what you're going to be for Halloween, or link to a good online game, or spoil a movie, or tell me your economic plan, or give a shout-out to Joe the Plumber, or try to type a sentence using all of the letters of the alphabet...backwards, or drop some trivia on my ass, or get medieval upon my ass, or drop some medieval trivia upon my ass, or solve a math equation, or post a math equation, or start a story, or finish a story, or finish this post.
You know. Whatever.


Stephanie said...

I don't really work well under pressure. Sorry.

Amy said...

I recently lost The Game.

P@ said...

Amy, that's just cruel.

Okay. Here we go.


Demetri Martin joke: "The worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades."

"I know it's sad that I never gave a damn about the weather, and it never gave a damn about me."

Done already.

Grilled Stuft Chicken Burrito from Taco Bell.

Um...nothing? I'm quite full.

Diary by Chuck Palahniuk


Why can't I motivate myself enough to finish any of my stories?

Obama wins the popular vote by 58%. Electoral votes...330 to Obama, the rest to McCain.

Show up at least ten minutes early for any appointments you have.

30 Days of Night was adequately creepy.

I'm most likely not dressing up this year. :(

You Have to Burn the Rope (make sure you've got the sound on)

Brad Pitt gets shot in the closet.

Bwaha ha ha ha ha.

Yo, Joe. Try not to be such an ass in the future, huh?

Zombies yesterday exhumed themselves where vampires used to sit, right behind the square platform near Molly's kid's jungle gym in Athens, Georgia, but first they decapitated both the guards. [okay, it's a nonsensical sentence, but that was a nonsensical request]

Early voting begins today in Nevada, and runs through October 31st.

Olde English, motherfucker! Dost thou speakest it!?

...I got nothing.


13 * 5 = 65

"First, all the birds died." [still one of my favorite story starters ever]

"And then the earth grew tired of it all, and hurled itself into the sun."
[still one of my favorite story enders ever]


Oberon said...

.....join globalove think tank.

Amy said...

Hraefn means chicken in Olde Englishe.

Even though I just checked Google and Google says it means "raven." Google can go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love things about opening and closing lines of books/stories. So, pray tell: what are the 2 stories in question? (The first sounds familiar, so I'm curious if I've read it.)


P@ said...

Heh. Actually, Kirk, both the opening line and the closing line are my own creations. I think I've mentioned them both in previous blog entries, which might be why it sounded familiar. (Or maybe someone's used that line before and I didn't know.)