Tuesday, February 07, 2006



just. fucking. stubbed. fucking. toe. motherofchristithurts.

Um. I don't have naythng else to blgo about. Just want some sympathy for my poor departed little toe. God, who put that swingset in the middle of the room where I was walking? (Oh. Right. I did. But, jezusfuck am i in pain.)

oh. great. It's bleeding.

It's times like this I wish I were a robot. Then I would laugh at my pain.
Except that I wouldn't laugh, since robots have no emotions. So maybe that wouldn't be such a good thing. Although I wouldn't have the pain, either. Hmmm. Also to consider - my robotic toe most likely would demolish anything that got in it's path.
Hmmm. Hmmmm, indeed.


Amy said...

"Why? Why was I programmed to feel pain?"

Ow, man, bleeding is a whole other level of toe stubbing. Yeesh.

Mindi Scott said...

I had a toe incident several weeks ago. I'm still suffering.

CosmicAvatar said...

Oooh! Poor toe!

*winces and proffers virtual ice cube*

Amanda said...

I had a toe incident last night. I feel your pain.