Monday, February 06, 2006

Buffy Bowl III (or IV)

We started the game during the Super Bowl pre-game show, because we are much more organized than the NFL is.

In a surprising move, Saren claimed she wanted to play as Good. Mwa-ha-ha-ing, I choose the Evil storyline by shuffling the evil tiles behind my back and selecting one. We wound up with the Judge.

Since the Judge doesn't exist until Evil gets the appropriate artifact card, the race was on. Dru tried to get the artifact near the docks - which would have been keeping with the mythology of the show - but failed. Then Spike tried to get the artifact near his starting place, and did. But it was the Magic(k) Sword. Pfft. Like Spike could ever wield a sword.

Meanwhile, Good had Willow manage to get into the Initiative HQ and pick up the artifact. It was the Judge's Arm! It attacked her, and got in a good jab, but otherwise, the witch was unharmed. At the same time, [Not So](Useless)Xander managed to pick up the Living Flame card - the one that can destroy an artifact.

In between this, a few Super Bowl commercials happened, but this year's installments of adverts were pretty lame, and I'm not feeling very good, so I'm going to forego talking about them for now. I might get to them later. Maybe.

Spike saw that Xander and Willow were going to team up and destroy the Judge's Arm, and thus win the game, so he attempted to get to the Scoobies and stop them.

No go.

On, like, the fourth turn, Good used the Living Flame and destroyed the artifact card.

And the Super Bowl was only fifteen minutes into it.

So Saren asked if we should play again. (Read: "Do you want me to kick your butt one more time, Dad?")

I agreed. She said she wanted to be Evil this time. We did the shuffling thing again, and she wound up with Adam.

This game went longer, but since I wasn't feeling very good then either, a lot of the game is a blur. Highlights that I remember:

Oz only wolfed out once, and got a few good smacks on Adam, so I was feeling pretty confident at first. Then, he reverted back to human and never changed back through the rest of the game. He eventually was killed by Vamp X.

Willow was killed by Spike.

Spike was eventually killed by sunlight.

(Useless)Xander gave Buffy the Joyce Summers card, which restored her health five points, but even so, she was eventually destroyed by Adam near the Sunnydale University Library.

So. Two games of Buffy, and Saren won both of them.

Next year - assuming there is a next year (ha ha ha) - I'm going to take notes on both the game and the commercials.


Anonymous said...

Good for you , Takeing notes on both the game and the commercials is a good thing. See you next year Ma Ha Ha.

Miranda said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog! I came over here to give you one and you go and write about something I have nothing to say about. I have never even seen a Buffy episode. *gasp* (there I did it for you) Sorry, I tried. Next time write about something I can understand, ok?

CosmicAvatar said...

Hahaha! Dude, you suck!, does this mean that Good and Evil both won, then?

Amanda said...

Did I call it, or did I call it?

Do I get a cookie?

Amy said...

Dude. You played as evil and you still lost?

I think I am now officially friends with "Saren, and Saren's parents."

Also, apparently ulovhcv.

P@ said...

Amanda, when I read your comment on the other post, I laughed out loud. I think in the three (or four) times that we've played, I've one once. So, yeah, going with Saren is a safe bet.

Miranda - GASP! (You really ought to check out the first five seasons of Buffy. Some good stuff there.)