Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Meaningless Upbeat Happy Song - The Dead Milkmen

Today is August 15th, 2023. The song of the day is "Meaningless Upbeat Happy Song" by The Dead Milkmen.

1 comment:

P@ said...

Do you suffer from depression? Well, if you don't you probably should
Because the world is an ugly violent place and the only people who can't see it are idiots and the blind
And believe me brothers and sisters, blind people can smell how bad it is out there
Here's Joe and I with some free advice

Don't trust the happy; the happy are insane
If you see someone smiling, run - get away
Do not trust the happy; the happy are insane
If they try to hug you, break out the pepper spray
You can't trust the happy

If you didn't check the box next to "I am often sad", there's something seriously wrong with you
Cuz it's a big world and it's filled to the rafters with Cretans and morons
Have you ever seen one of those child beauty pageants?
Yes, it's an easy target, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be a target
Haven't these people ever read Harlan Ellison's "our little miss"?

Don't trust the happy; the happy are insane
If you see someone smiling, run - get away
Do not trust the happy; the happy are insane
The happy are insane

If they tell you Jesus loves you, run away