Wednesday, August 23, 2006


We went out to eat for dinner today, and I had Subway. While I was eating it, I realized that I was just...there. Eating. My heart wasn't in it, so to speak. I asked Steph if her burrito (she had a burrito from Rufio's instead) was good, and she said that it was, but I started thinking -
It's weird that humans expect all meals to taste good. We eat a variety of stuff (although it's not really all that (and a bag of chips) varied) because we want our meals to have different flavors and to enjoy them all.
Cats - as an example - don't do this. They eat the same thing day in and day out. Or at least, our cats do. I'm sure many of the domestic cats in the world are the same. Does cat food taste good to them? Or is eating for most animals just like my Subway was - just another task, with no real joy in it? I mean, other than not being hungry afterward. Do nonhumans taste things? Do they have preferences of what they'd like to eat? I know that our cats (all cats??) REALLY like tuna, so I guess they do have some's choice. (heh.)


Amy said...

Oh man, I hate eating. If they could come up with a way to give humans all their nutrients in pill form, I would be so happy. Imagine how much time you would save!!

I realize that I may be all alone on this.

Incidentally, my cats eat exactly the way I do. They'll eat the same thing every day for weeks and weeks, and then suddenly they'll want something different, and then they'll eat that new thing every day for weeks and weeks.

"Oh. Ocean Whitefish? Again? Don't you have any of that Turkey and Giblets? Man, I could really go for some of that."

Amanda said...

I wouldn't mind if I could just get by eating once a day. I like food - good food - but all the preparation just doesn't seem worth it several times a day.

AngelaRae said...

My cats are fed the same hard and soft cats foods daily, and they really seem to like both. But! I think they definitely have "tastes". One will steal french fries. Another one will do anything for cream cheese, especially if it has dill in it.

CosmicAvatar said...

I believe in enjoying my food, so I expect it to taste good. Having said that, I have weird tastes. Including Mr Mash and airplane food.

P@ said...

Podgy - our cats love french fries too!
Oreo also enjoys chewing on cardboard and plastic. That might be more the texture, though, than the taste factor. (I don't know, I haven't asked him.)