Sunday, December 12, 2004

It's beginning to look a lot like December



Like birds flock through my synapses.

Disconnect. Discotech. Dis. Connect.

I can't feel my hands as I type this and it's odd. It's odd. It's so so odd. I wonder if people get what they deserve.

I wish I could breathe. You don't know what you love until you no longer have it.

Crystal clear. Crystal blue persuasion. Crystal (disconnect) Pepsi.

The music of now is evidence that change is not imminent. The internet is evidence that we can change quickly when we want to.

Do we want to?

Misandry = hatred of men
misogny = hatred of women
misantrhopy = hatred of humanity
what's the hatred of life?

Subvert and entertain. I subvert. Do I entertain? Do I? Do I?

Time to wash dishes. Listen to music. Think some thoughts. And breathe. Breathe. Breathe.


Simon said...

Yes. And the trick, as I'm sure I heard in a song, is to breathe in and out.

One for mattie's lyrical genius post, I suspect.

Jamie said...

Misanthropy = hatred of men
misogny = hatred of women
The hatred of men is actually misandry. Misanthropy is "Hatred or mistrust of humankind". Which, in a way, is close to a hatred of life, since humankind is a big part of life. But I don't know of a word that actually means hatred of life. There must be one, surely. You'd think psychologists and the like would need a word for that.

Amy said...

Dude, you know, this entry is the best of them, but there are some entries you make that would make either a kick-ass volume of poetry, or a pretty awesome pretentious rock album.

I have no idea if there is an actual word for "hatred of life." There should be. Shouldn't someone put together a list, like the "fear of..."s? I guess it would be something like ... misobiosy. Maybe. I'll have Beth overview my Greek.

P@ said...

Jamie - Doh! Thanks for the heads up on the word knowledge.

Amy - Thanks for the compliment!