Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wordle Wednesday #2

 Time for the next batch of Wordle Sentences!! :)

2.19.25 - I yelled madly, “Never ride south on a llama on a balmy Wednesday!!”

(it's just common sense!)

2.20.25 - Before you ditch me to  have lunch with that mooch, check the porch to make sure it doesn’t have a roach problem.


2.21.25 - When you are close to the clove try not to laugh or blink.

(Fitting "clove" into a sentence is tougher than you'd think.)

2.22.25 - In my youth I cared deeply what type of plane cream was used when I traveled.

(But now that I'm older, I realize that all the plane creams are alike...)

2.23.25 - Daily the otter did the morph wrong.

(Stupid magical otter.)

2.24.25 -  Abort any panic you may feel toward slang regarding the gland.

(Gland-o-rama! The Glandster!!)

2.25.25 - I dream of a world that you don’t drive to a dryer.

(...dryers drive to you?)

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