Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 2024 1 sec everyday


Almost forgot!
Another month, another 1sec everyday compilation...

1 - Irina's birthday. Went to John's Incredible Pizza.

2 - Groundhog day. Weather was pretty nice.

3 - When out of ideas, film the dog.

4 - A peek into the fridge.

5 - It rained that day, apparently.

6 - Rained that day, too, but I went and voted anyway.

7 - Driving at night... 99% sure that was a Domino's night.

8 - mileage milestone - 89998 (I was going to get the more impressive 90000, but filming that stuff while driving is dangerous, yo.)

9 - working at the office.

10 - Silas and I played TecMo Bowl in order to "predict" the Super Bowl outcome. Based on the video game outcome, the San Francisco 49ers should have won 35 to 0.

11 - Coin flip of the actual Super Bowl.

12 - mileage milestone - 90210. :)

13 - filling up the gas tank

14 - an order printing out at Dominos.

15 - in the drive-thru of Raising Cane's.

16 - walking the hallway at work.

17 - finally went down to the Ice Age Fossil State Park across the street about a month after it first opened.

18 - When out of ideas, film the dog.

19 - Garbage collecting

20 - Morning walk. Weather was overcast and cool.

21 - Brownies. With pineapple. (It really wasn't that bad. It wasn't GREAT, but it wasn't bad, either.)

22 - Silas playing a rhythm game. Song is "March of the Pigs" by Nine Inch Nails.

23 - the rack room at work.

24 - 26 year anniversary!

25 - marshmallow in a vacuum

26 - got tipped with a bunch of 2 dollar bills.

27 - Saren and their cat, Ezra.

28 - Saren working on the latest puzzle.

29 - when out of ideas...

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