Monday, July 31, 2023

July's 1sec everyday


Here's July. And how it breaks down:

1. Birds outside the window.

2. Picked up Olive Garden To Go for Harper's birthday.

3. Porch design...thing. It's made out of old cans.

4. Fireworks, of course.

5. When out of ideas, film the dog.

6. We played Castle Panic. 

7. It was 77 degrees (in the office) on 7/7. 

8. God, I love that sound.

9. I had an interview at this Domino's to be a delivery driver. ....They hired me on the spot.

10.  This was the 711th Korok that Steph found in Tears of the Kingdom. (ya-ha-ha!)

11. 7-11 day!

12. Just showing how I really need a haircut.

13. Harper filmed that days' video. We were playing Incohearant.

14. Heading into work.

15. Domino's orientation was this day. It was... a thing. There were warning bells then about what the job would truly entail (we signed away our rights to lunch breaks!!) But...

16. ...I started working the very next day. This was at the end of my first shift (although that really only consisted of me doing paperwork/video trainings.)

17. On the walk that morning, there were a ton of dragonflies in the Grassy Area. Can't really see them in the video I took, but they were there.

18. Turtle peep!

19. We played Evolution.

20. Silas downloaded a game called "Heave Ho" that me, Irina and Silas have been playing quite a bit.

21. Ugh. The LONGEST day. I had to work at both the office AND closed (for the first time) at Dominos. This was the start of the day - at like 5:30am.

22. And this was the end of the day, at like 1:45am, when I was getting home.

23. When out of ideas, film the dog.

24. We went to the Pinball Hall of Fame (which is definitely feeling the effects of diminishing returns) and Steph filmed me and Silas playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Cowabunga, dude!

25. Grasshoppers on our doorstop.

26. A bunny in the Grassy Area.

27. Getting the mail.

28. Sasha, that day's Forever Home Friday dog on the noon newscast.

29. Ori, growling at the same bunny in the Grassy Area.

30. Abed, meowing at me filming him.

31. Boring work stuff.

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