Sunday, November 13, 2005


That's where i am at in my word count for the story. also, i'm totally used to typing in microsoft word and having my errors either be autocorrected or underlined. blgger should do that. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to be more diligent.

Dude. Everything is a coincidence. Truly. (some) People say that there is no such thing as coincidences, but they have it completely wrong. EVERYTHING is. Life. The fact that you are reading this. The fact that I am typing it (or, rather, was typing it. Heh. Reading is like time travel. Time is meaningless!). Just... everything.

It's a difficult concept to accept, but I'm trying to.

Here's an example. In my story - roads play a major role. Highways in particular. Perth, Australia also plays a big role. I went to wikipedia and typed in "highways", and at first I got the entry that someone had changed where all it said was "balls". (Very mature!), so I clicked on the history button and went to the last change and got the real article. The picture they had was of the Mitchell Freeway in Perth, Western Australia.

Everything is a coincidence.

In other news, um. I don't think i had any other news, actually. I hsould (should, even) get back to my sotry (or story, if you prefer). I'm almost out of the flashback (dude, if my story were a tv show, it would be Lost, because it's totally a flashback like Lost would do. But the bad thing is, since it has been such a slow week for me, the flashback has been all i've been writing for the past...forever.)

ANyway, the point is that this version is going to need MAJOR revision. S. Revisions. Yeah.

But on the upside, at least I'm getting stuff out there. I doubt highly that I'll get it revised completely by the date that it's supposed to be taking place (June 6th, 2006) but no big. I'll just be happy if i get it written, period.

In conclusion, I need to shave. My face is all itchy.


Annika said...

I will do my best to have the baby on June 6th. Then no one will notice if you finish a few days late.

My word is sapdr. Sap Doctor! I wonder what that is.

CosmicAvatar said...

Yes, shave. Then write!

Amy said...

I guess you're pretty lucky that time has no meaning!

Simon said...

My face itches from having shaved already. Coincidence? I think not.

Particularly when I type it "coindicence" first.

P@ said...

Annika - if you have it on 6/6/06, just be sure to avoid all roads and any amusement parks on that day. Also, it would be funny (but highly unlikely) for you to name the baby Choset.

Also, my word is eamtu. Heee. Eamtu, Brute?