Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wordle Wednesday #1

 Okay, so, another gimmick! Woo!!

About a month ago, Steph started making a sentence out of the words she used for her Wordle attempts. She would then every week post them on her instagram, along with little notes about each one. 

I decided that that sounded like fun, and was lamenting that I couldn't really do it, as I kept using the same "starter word", so my sentences would be annoyingly repetitive, in that they'd all have SCORE in them somewhere. Fortunately, back on the 11th, my starter word strategy finally paid off!

So, having that freedom meant that I was going to do the sentence thing, too. Since I don't have an Instagram, I figured I'd post my sentences on my blog. Not that anyone cares about my blog either, but, you know, what.ever.

So, all that being said, here are my Wordle sentences from the 12th thru the 18th. (Not gonna post today's, as, there could be someone out there who hasn't done it yet. Aren't I considerate?) Anyway. Wednesdays moving forward (until I get bored, i guess) will have the Wordle sentences, with my "commentary" following it. Yay.

2.12.25 - Please provide rapid proof that you are the singer Jewel.

(I saw a movie, it just wasn't The Saint.)

2.13.25 - I was so proud of the quark theft, I did the rumba.

(as you do...)

2.14.25 - It was the motif of the witch to sing a ditty that will later get in your head.

(that devious....witch.)

2.15.25 - Where can I find proof that the groom who couldn’t croon was actually a  robot crook?

(the fact that he could do the Robot perfectly was a dead giveaway!)

2.16.25 - A  suave performer can crave heavy bits, even playing a slave.

(my original sentence was a bit...problematic, so I changed it up. Gotta be careful with the words I choose.)

2.17.25 - The plaza had a fable that the trail led to the holy grail, but that was a lie.

(eh. This one's kinda boring.)

2.18.25 - While the indie zine did imbue an image of embracing your innie, the biggest issue I have with it is how much lint it collects.

(My favorite of the bunch. Sometimes, I'm pretty clever.)

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