Monday, December 28, 2020

You say you wanna resolution

 (I'm a wee bit UTP@, so apologies if this is rambly or incoherent or only funny to me. Although none of those things would be any different, really, than any other time I'm blogging, so I don't know what I'm doing other than stalling the inevitable getting on with the post...)

So. Yeah. Resolutions or Goals or Gimmicks or Plans or Here's What I'm Gonna Attempts. Whatever you want to call them, I've got some for the upcoming year.

Figured I'd share.

Let's get to it...

Exercise! - Yep. I've noticed that I have a ...erm. I guess "dad bod" is the polite term for it. "beer belly" is slightly less kind, but also not accurate as I don't consume beer. Let's just say that I've put on some weight recently. And, sure, that's to be expected somewhat with aging and all, but that doesn't mean I can't do the bare minimum to keep it at bay.

This past year I actually had a resolution (or goal or gimmick, etc) wherein I lifted dumbbells everyday 20 times in January. And then everyday 40 times in February. And 60 times in March, etc. And amazingly, I kept at it! Even when it got crazy-difficult near the end of October... Up until November 14th..ish. I don't remember the exact day, but I ended up missing three days in a row, and then when I remembered, I was like, "eh." And haven't done any since then. 

So, I've decided that next year, I'll do the dumbbells everyday. 100 times. Regardless of what month it is.

Exercise part 2! - We bought the Nintendo Switch game "Ring Fit" right around the time quarantine hit (I can't remmeber if it was before then... I think it may have been.) Anyway. I played with it for about ten days, and then stopped. The resolution for '21 is to get back into it on a daily basis.

Hey, Weight! - Relatedly, I'll weigh myself at the beginning (and end?) of every month. I haven't set foot on a scale in...actually, I think the last time I weighed myself was at my physical in 2019.... And I was about 155 then. I won't know for sure until January 1, but if I had to guess, I'd say I'm probably in the 165 range now.

2021 words - Each month I plan on writing a short story - to 'completion' - that is at least 2,021 words long. That means in January (and months with 31 days) I only need to write 65 words a day! And in April (and months with 30 days) I only need to write 67 words a day. And in February, I only have to write 72 per day. (Damn it, dude. When I was originally going to do this bit, I divided 2021 by twenty-nine, which came out to 69 words per day (nice!), which was the whole point! I wanted to make the dumb joke, but forgot that Feb isn't a leap year next year.) 

But, yeah. Anyway. At the bare minimum, 12 short stories from me. 

I can NOT guarantee that they will be *good*. In fact, I'd say that they more than likely will be the opposite of good. But, you know, maybe something will shine thru. I guess we'll see.

Games - I haven't worked on any board games since Silas and I playtested All the Presidents Toast Crunch. I'm planning on changing that in '21. At the very least, every 3 months, I will playtest a homemade game - either one of the ones I've already started/created, or a brand new one. (I do have an idea brewing for one already...) 

Song of the day (bonus) - I'll keep posting the links to a song of the day. And each month on the 21st, there will be a bonus song as well. Two for the price of one! (And next year the bonus day will fall on the 22nd... Have to get through these songs somehow...)

Across the Year Reading Challenge - For the 3rd year in a row, I'll be partaking in the "Across the Year" Reading Challenge presented over at That community basically comes up with 52 reading prompts - one for each week of the year - that, if followed, will mean that I'll have read at a minimum 52 books by the end of 2021.

For the first year, I didn't complete all of the 52. This year, my second go, I did. (Well, I still have the last book to finish, but I have a few days to knock that out, and I'm already halfway done with it, so it won't be a problem.) I think I'm going to work on this year's list backwards, just because. 

OK, What Now No More - Yeah. I'm going to put the world's most boring YouTube channel on pause for a bit. When I started it 3 years ago (!!), I never really expected it to amount to anything, and, well, it hasn't. (Ha ha!) But, even with the small amount of effort I'm putting into it, it's difficult to come up with nonsense to film 3 times a week. And so, I'm just going to stop. For now. The final new video will be up on 1/1/21, and it will be the annual destruction of the gingerbread house, but after that, no more for a while. (But the 558 videos I will have made by then will all still be there waiting, if you really want to check them out...)


I... think that's pretty much it. I feel like I've forgotten *something*, and I probably have, but I'm barely keeping my eyes open at this point, so I'll have to wrap it up and be content with what I've written. I know that these aren't life-shattering goals by any stretch of the imagination, but it's sort of nice to have them here for me to work toward. Bring on 2021! :)

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