Monday, February 13, 2006


Fair warning - I'm pretty tired. Not really at UTP@ lefel (or level, if you prefer) but almost. I'd get a Silver Medal if I were competeing (sp?) in the UTP@lympics.

ANyway. Miranda "tagged" me with this meme about a gabillion years ago, and so here I am. I was going to talk about Cell, since I finished it last night, but I'll wait until tomorrow to do that. Or maybe Steph will do it for me. Heh.

The Four Things Meme

Four Jobs You Have Held

1. Taco Bell cashier. (And yet, I still eat there. Proof positive that I am, in fact, insane.)
2. The Noid. (Shut. Up.)
3. Master Control Operator (paid to watch tv all day! Cool! The catch? It was often crappy tv)
4. Programming Assistant (now I'm paid to pick the crappy tv that other people watch!)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. Airplane!
2. Fight Club
3. Clue
4. The Goonies

Four Places You Have Been on Vacation

1. Yellowstone National Park
2. The Edmonton Mall
3. Topeka Zoo
4. And of course, Disneyland

Four Websites You Visit Daily

I don't know that visit any site daily, since there are many days when (aside from work) I don't go online at all. That being said...
4. (to play Psychobabble, which I have become readdicted to)

Four of Your Favorite Foods

1. Pizza
2. chicken
3. beef jerky
4. kiwi

Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now

1. bed
2. right here, right now (heee!)
3. Um. No, really, bed pretty much seums it up.

Four Cars You Have Owned

1. Cassie III (That was the Maroon Geo Metro that I made The Trip in. Also the only car I've ever named.)
2. A white '86 Nissan... something.
3. A black gas guzzling behemoth of a thing that ran like crap and that I ended up selling for 40 dollars. (Despite having paid nearly ten times that. And only owning it for a week or two. I'm not... what's the word? Thrifty.)
4. Um. Oh. Right. The Toyota.

Four Bloggers You Are Tagging
I couldn't choose so instead I will click the first four blogs from hitting "Next Blog" and pick them.

1. Mini-Microsoft
2. ...and Hope does not Disappoint
3. My Thoughts...
4. Off Target


Amy said...

I'd get a Silver Medal if I were competeing (sp?) in the UTP@lympics.

Oh, shit, did you fall on your knee, too?

Meghan said...

I must say... those are four excellent choices of movies to watch over and over again.